Request a feature.
Your Ideas, Our Commitment: Contact Foodship for new features, a mobile app, and a customized website for your restaurant.
Request a feature.
If you require a customized feature for your restaurant POS system, we’d be excited to talk about it with you. Feel free to contact us through your preferred channel. Call us at 64 09-5536218, fill out our contact form, or book a demo with us using our live chat service. We look forward to hearing from you!
Mobile Apps – Android and IOS
Foodship offers personalized iOS and Android mobile applications specifically tailored for your restaurant as a part of restaurant online ordering system. Our expertise lies in integrating your unique logo and color scheme to improve your restaurant brand identity. This all-inclusive service is available at a one-time cost. We can publish it on either our own or your app store accounts. If you need any further information, don’t hesitate to contact us. We are here to help!
Need Unique and Custom Website
Foodship comes with the best restaurant website template as part of its online food ordering system. Depending on your requirements, Foodship can provide a customized website that perfectly matches your preferences and needs at a fixed price. To receive a quote for a restaurant website, kindly get in touch with us via our contact form or live chat. We would be delighted to provide you with a quote, and there is no obligation to proceed.
The key advantage of a custom website for your restaurant is:
- Opting for a custom website will improve your online presence and enhance restaurant brand awareness significantly.